Age Connects North Wales Central is an independent charity, based and operating within Denbighshire and Conwy, providing services for people aged 50+, their families and their carers.
Our mission is to continually strive to improve the quality of life of Older People along with encouraging, empowering, and promoting wellbeing whilst maintaining independence.
We are committed to services & activities that promote healthy ageing, proactively helping older people to tackling loneliness and isolation.
Age Connects North Wales Central is proud to be helping make Denbighshire & Conwy great places to grow older.
Age Connects NWC is an Age-Friendly Employer. We’ve signed the Age-Friendly Employer Pledge, a nationwide programme run by the Centre for Ageing Better, for employers who recognise the value of older workers and make workplaces age-friendly.
Thank you very, very much for your visit to us here yesterday.
Heart felt thanks for all your work.
Thank you for all that you do. I'm glad we still have you as a contact.
You changed my life.
Yes you gave me peace of mind, taking away my worries.
What a wonderful, informative, and interesting newsletter.
Immaculate service, helpful and so much patience, you deserve a medal!
Thank you, you've given me lot of help and information - I'm glad I phoned you.
Thank you so much for my lovely goodie bag.
Age Connects North Wales Central
Eirianfa Community Centre
Denbigh LL16 3TS
Wales, United Kingdom
T. 0300 2345 007