There are many factors that contribute to long life, but according to one comprehensive scientific study, there are two powerful predictors of successful ageing.
A thorough analysis published in the science journal PLoS One and the National Library of Medicine in 2019, called ‘Lifestyle predictors of successful aging: A 20-year prospective HUNT study’, investigated the effect of midlife lifestyle conditions and how they consequently led to successful ageing.
“Lifestyle factors predicting successful ageing…are important for understanding healthy ageing, interventions, and preventions,” wrote the study researchers.
‘Successful Ageing’ was described as free of certain specified diseases and depression, having no physical or mental impairment, and being actively engaged with life.
The researchers analysed data from a population-based health survey, the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT), with an average follow-up of 22 years.
What did the researchers find out?
“Non-smoking and good social support were the most powerful predictors for successful ageing…” the researchers wrote.
Reducing risks by eating a healthy diet and exercise are important, but a combination of reducing risk factors in midlife with social support, could be the best thing to promote overall health and health in ageing.
Good food and good company are the best remedy for our health and for aging well.