
Do Not Attempt CPR Decisions

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation known as CPR, is a treatment administered during a medical emergency, when you stop breathing (respiratory arrest) or your heart stops beating (cardiac arrest). Some people do not make a full recovery after having CPR, depending on their health or condition, and this is why they may choose not to receive CPR or treatments that may cause suffering at the end of life. DNACPR stands for Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. DNACPR means if your heart or breathing stops your healthcare team will not try to restart it. DNACPR is sometimes called DNAR (do not attempt resuscitation) or…

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Older People’s Forums 2023 Tackling Isolation & Loneliness

Over the past 6 months, I have been speaking to many older people about lloneliness, isolation, and lack of connection. Most of us have noticed a decline in civility and basic manners, but everyone is now concerned with the lack of human interaction. It’s not just services that are now only online, but the increase of over the phone or internet contact, self-serve checkouts, and fewer chances to have contact with others. Lack of transport and pathway infrastructure, children moving far away for work, and a world that has become all but virtual, have led to isolation and spawned the…

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Cash is here to stay!

UK Government commits to protecting UK’s Coins & Notes for years to come.  Technology has transformed banking for millions of people, making it easier and quicker to carry out financial transactions and pay for services. But it’s also clear that many people still rely on cash and should have a choice over how they spend their money. It is estimated that around 2.2 million people in the UK are still reliant on cash, with older people, the vulnerable and people in rural communities likely to be hardest hit by a decline in the use of cash. To make sure cash…

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What’s the buzz at the Forums?

The poor state of public transport was widely discussed. Whilst electric vehicles are being hailed as the great solution to our environmental concerns, it seems providing efficient public transport, that would reduce the need for so many cars, is still being neglected. “Think about young people who get a job and then can’t get there because the bus line’s gone.” Infrequency, lines being cancelled, or routes being changed, and leaving some villages with no transport at all – are just some of the things mentioned. “They said the line was cancelled because they did a survey on one day, with…

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The council can arrange an assisted collection for residents who have difficulty in moving their containers and bins to the kerbside on collection day. The collection crews will get your recycling and waste containers from a place on your property which has been agreed with you and put them back there once emptied. The crews will not go inside your home, and they will not sort your recycling items for you. You can apply for assisted collections if you are physically unable to move your bins, and you: have nobody (a relative, friend, neighbour, or carer) who can help take your bins to…

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How to Get a Copy of Your Medical Records

Everyone in the UK has a legal right to see their own medical or health records under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Under GDPR accessing your medical records is free, and you do not have to pay anything. You do not have to explain why you want to see them, and you can nominate someone else, for example a solicitor, to view your records, provided they have written consent. Your request could be refused if a health professional believes seeing the records would be seriously harmful to your physical or mental health. Your medical records include any information about…

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Supermarket ‘Slow Checkout’ for People Who Enjoy a Chat

While most buyers seem to be in a rush these days at grocery stores, there are many who prefer taking their time, and enjoy a chat during the checkout process, and this isn’t just limited to older people. Hastiness is particularly evident these days with ‘scan your own’ hand machines, self-serve tills, and having your groceries thrown at you at great speed by the staff. But one supermarket chain in the Netherlands has decided to slow things down, especially for those who like socialising and chatting in queues. Back in 2019, the Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo Supermarkets, introduced its first…

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Nain and Taid

Grandparents play a crucial role in the life of their grandchildren. Nothing can replace the love and care a child receives from their grandparents. Their wisdom, and experience is invaluable to both grandchildren, and children starting their own families. But the UK’s overlooked childcare system means that grandparents often have to step in to offer substantial help, well beyond that of grandparent duties. According to research published by Age UK, two out of five of the UK’s grandparents have provided regular childcare for their grandchildren. That’s five million grandparents, of which the majority (89%) provide care on a weekly basis….

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Introducing Default 20mph Speed Limits

The Senedd passed The Restricted Roads (20 mph Speed Limit) (Wales) Order 2022 legislation in early 2022. This means speed limits on most restricted roads will reduce from 30mph to 20mph from September 2023. The change in legislation will only affect residential roads and busy pedestrian streets. Restricted roads include streets with streetlights placed no more than 200 yards apart. The Welsh Government recognises not all roads currently at 30mph will be suitable to change to 20mph, and is working with highway authorities, Trunk Road Agents (TRAs) and local authorities (responsible for county roads), to identify potential roads where speed limits will be…

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Is digital technology keeping us connected or apart?

Chatting on Facebook, posting on Instagram, virtual GP appointments, ZOOM with the family, all without leaving our own homes – is this really the future? We know that more and more older people are using digital technology such as smartphones and video call apps to stay connected, but do these technologies actually help reduce loneliness and isolation. We know that social isolation and loneliness are harmful and widespread amongst older people – damaging physical and mental health, reducing the quality of life, and shortening lives. Covid-19 showed us just how crucial social connections are for our wellbeing.  When it wasn’t…

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